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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
8301 New models for the genesis of plagiogranites in the Oman ophiolite Hugh Rollinson Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8302 A pseudo adakite derived from partial melting of tonalitic to granodioritic crust, Kyushu, southwest Japan arc Atsushi Kamei, Yasuyuki Miyake, Masaaki Owada, Jun-Ichi Kimura Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8303 Diamonds: Exploration, mines and marketing George H. Read, A.J.A. (Bram) Janse Lithos 112/05/2009 원문링크
8304 The economic implications of kimberlite emplacement Barbara H. Scott Smith, Stuart C.S. Smith Lithos 112/05/2009 원문링크
8305 Variations of olivine abundance and grain size in the Snap Lake kimberlite intrusion, Northwest Territories, Canada: A possible proxy for diamonds M. Field, T.M. Gernon, A. Mock, A. Walters, R.S.J. Sparks, D.A. Jerram Lithos 112/05/2009 원문링크
8306 Evaluation of kimberlite diamond potential using FTIR spectroscopy of xenocrystic olivine Sergei Matveev, Thomas Stachel Lithos 112/05/2009 원문링크
8307 SEM-based quantitative mineralogical analysis of peridotite, kimberlite, and concentrate Karin O. Hoal, Sarah K. Appleby, Jane G. Stammer, Claire Palmer Lithos 112/05/2009 원문링크
8308 Geology and evaluation strategy of the Star and Orion South kimberlites, Fort à la Corne, Canada S. Harvey, B. Kjarsgaard, M. McClintock, M. Shimell, L. Fourie, P. Du Plessis, G. Read Lithos 112/05/2009 원문링크
8309 The evolution of geological models for the DO-27 kimberlite, NWT, Canada: Implications for evaluation M. Harder, B.H. Scott Smith, C.M. Hetman, J. Pell Lithos 112/05/2009 원문링크
8310 Uncertainty-based grade modelling of kimberlite: A case study of the Jay kimberlite pipe, EKATI Diamond Mine, Canada Sara Harrison, Oy Leuangthong, Barbara Crawford, Peter Oshust Lithos 112/05/2009 원문링크