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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
8401 Formation and temporal evolution of the Kalahari sub-cratonic lithospheric mantle: Constraints from Venetia xenoliths, South Africa R.C. Hin, M.L.A. Morel, O. Nebel, P.R.D. Mason, W. van Westrenen, G.R. Davies Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8402 Interpreting ages from Re–Os isotopes in peridotites Roberta L. Rudnick, Richard J. Walker Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8403 An integrated petrological, geochemical and Re–Os isotope study of peridotite xenoliths from the Argyle lamproite, Western Australia and implications for cratonic diamond occurrences A. Luguet, A.L. Jaques, D.G. Pearson, C.B. Smith, G.P. Bulanova, S.L. Roffey, M.J. Rayner, J.-P. Lorand Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8404 A translithospheric suture in the vanished 1-Ga lithospheric root of South India: Evidence from contrasting lithosphere sections in the Dharwar Craton W.L. Griffin, A.F. Kobussen, E.V.S.S.K. Babu, Suzanne Yvette O'Reilly, R. Norris, P. Sengupta Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8405 Extremely depleted lithospheric mantle and diamonds beneath the southern Zimbabwe Craton Chris B. Smith, D. Graham Pearson, Galina P. Bulanova, Andrew D. Beard, Richard W. Carlson, Nadine Wittig, Keith Sims, Lovemore Chimuka, Ellah Muchemwa Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8406 Geochemical processes in peridotite xenoliths from the Premier diamond mine, South Africa: Evidence for the depletion and refertilisation of subcratonic lithosphere Fanus Viljoen, René Dobbe, Braam Smit Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8407 Ferric iron contents of clinopyroxene from cratonic mantle and partitioning behaviour with garnet A.B. Woodland Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8408 Oxygen fugacity of the metasomatizing melt in a polymict peridotite from Kimberley Heidi E. Höfer, Marina Lazarov, Gerhard P. Brey, Alan B. Woodland Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8409 The lithospheric mantle below southern West Greenland: A geothermobarometric approach to diamond potential and mantle stratigraphy Karina K. Sand, Tod E. Waight, D. Graham Pearson, Troels F.D. Nielsen, Emil Makovicky, Mark T. Hutchison Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크
8410 Pyroxene xenocryst geotherms: Techniques and application Herman S. Grütter Lithos 112/06/2009 원문링크