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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
8291 Lazulite and Ba, Sr, Ca, K-rich phosphates–sulphates in quartz veins from metaquartzites of Tribec Mountains, Western Carpathians, Slovakia: Compositional variations and evolution Pavel Uher, Tomáš Mikuš, Rastislav Milovský, Adrian Biron, Ján Spišiak, Jozef Lipka, Ján Jahn Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8292 Head-to-tail transition of the Afar mantle plume: Geochemical evidence from a Miocene bimodal basalt–rhyolite succession in the Ethiopian Large Igneous Province Dereje Ayalew, Sally A. Gibson Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8293 Contrasting Lu–Hf and U–Th–Pb isotope systematics between metamorphic growth and recrystallization of zircon from eclogite-facies metagranites in the Dabie orogen, China Qiong-Xia Xia, Yong-Fei Zheng, Honglin Yuan, Fu-Yuan Wu Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8294 Oxidation of CH4 to CO2 and H2O by chloritization of detrital biotite at 270 ± 5 °C in the external part of the Central Alps, Switzerland A. Tarantola, J. Mullis, D. Guillaume, J. Dubessy, C. de Capitani, M. Abdelmoula Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8295 Caught in the act — The first few hours of xenolith assimilation preserved in lavas of the Rockeskyllerkopf volcano, West Eifel, Germany Cliff S.J. Shaw Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8296 Sources of post-orogenic calcalkaline magmas: The Arrochar and Garabal Hill–Glen Fyne complexes, Scotland J.D. Clemens, D.P.F. Darbyshire, J. Flinders Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8297 Anomalous intra-plate high-Mg andesites in the Choshi area (Chiba, Central Japan) produced during early stages of Japan Sea opening? Nguyen Hoang, Takahiro Yamamoto, Jun'ichi Itoh, Martin F.J. Flower Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8298 High Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios: The meaning of the “adakitic signature” Jean-François Moyen Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8299 Synchronous Japan Sea opening Miocene fore-arc volcanism in the Abukuma Mountains, NE Japan: An advancing hot asthenosphere flow versus Pacific slab melting Takahiro Yamamoto, Nguyen Hoang Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크
8300 Genetic link between EMI and EMII: An adakite connection Gen Shimoda Lithos 112/03/2009 원문링크