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폐광을 대비한 가행탄광 광해방지 대책연구 (사북, 고한지역)


자료유형 KIGAM 보고서
서명 폐광을 대비한 가행탄광 광해방지 대책연구 (사북, 고한지역)
저자 강상수
언어 KOR
청구기호 KR-2002-C-17-2002-R
발행사항 한국지질자원연구원 : 산업자원부, 2002
초록 The Jung-Am coal mine of Sam Tan Co. was abandoned by the end of the year 2001. The objectives of the research are to investigate the mine hazards induced by abandonment of the mine and to establish the counter-plan. Total area of the Jung-Am coal mine was about 36,910,000 m2 with 17 mine lots and the coal production during the past 40 years reached about 34,000,000 tons. As a result of the production, a lot of underground openings like mine drifts and tunnels were formed. While the mine has been operated, safety and environmental problems have well been managed according to the mine safety regulations, but abandonment of the mine may cause the adverse impacts on the adjacent mines as well as the residents. In this research, the mine hazards and environmental impacts are investigated and technical measures are provided for the future after the Jung-Am coal mine is abandoned. Investigated are: subsidence, mine drainage, safety of mine waste impoundment and leachate, how to deal with abandoned openings and facilities and etc. It is shown that problems due to subsidence are not serious and that drainage of mine water form the Jung-Am coal mine should be continued after it is abandoned in order not to give impacts on adjacent Sa-Book coal mine of Dong-Won colliery. Researches will be continued to the next two years on the safety of mine waste impoundment and treatment of leachate, how to deal with abandoned mine openings and facilities, methods for reducing the river contamination, and so on
페이지 154 p.
키워드 가행탄광, 탄광, 광해방지, 사북, 고한, 정암광업소, 갱내수, 삼탄, 폐광, 광해대책
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강상수. (2002). 폐광을 대비한 가행탄광 광해방지 대책연구 (사북, 고한지역). 한국지질자원연구원 : 산업자원부.