데이터셋 상세

광물 소재 분석법 연구 ; 경희토류 개별분석법 개발


자료유형 KIGAM 보고서
서명 광물 소재 분석법 연구 ; 경희토류 개별분석법 개발
저자 김건한
언어 KOR
청구기호 KR-99-R-14-2000-R
발행사항 한국자원연구소, 2000
초록 연구 대상 시료는 전 희토류함량이 60% 이상인 수입 희토류 광물로 연구개발 분석법은 ICP-AES, XRF 및 NAA로서 각 분석법에 따른 연구내용은 다음과 같다. -ICP-AES: 시료 전처리조건의 최적화. -XRF: 합성 표준시료 제작, FP법 운용조건의 최적화. -NAA: 중성자조사 후의 Decay/Count 조건의 최적화. 이와같은 기술 개발의 결과로 희토류광물에 함유되어 있는 경희토류의 개별분석체계를 확립하고, 수입 의존도가 높은 원료광물의 품위검사 및 효율적 활용의 판단자료로 활용할 수 있게 되었다

This study is concerned with the analysis of rare earth group elements especially (Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodium and Neodymium) in minerals and materials. Rare elements are widely used as electrics, electronics, catalysts, optics, materials of super conductors. They are found wide applications in metallurgy and alloy, glass industry. Cerium, the dominant member of often-overlooked lanthanide series, is essential to many industries. Its metallurgical applications alone include use as an alloying agent or as an ingredient in coatings for iron and steel, superalloys, aluminum alloys, aluminum electrowinning, chrome plating and in welding electrodes and lighter flints. Other applications range the gamut from optical coating and radiation detection to fluorescent lighting and chemotheraphy. They are found in many items of electronics industry and serve to an increasing extent as a form of investment. Rare earth elements occurs in traces in most minerals and materials. They are extracted in minute quantities from a limited number of ores. They are concentrated and separated from each other by eleborate chemical processes. In this survey, effects of various acid concentration, diverse interfering elements, various decomposition methods were observed for the determination of Lanthanum, Cerium. Praseodium and Neodymium using standard reference materials by ICP-AES. As the results, for the determination of these elements should be separated form matrix elements by separated concentration method. Also in order to confirm specification of samples, major, minor and trace elements in samples should be analyzed by ICP-AES and XRF. All analytical results of Lanthanum, Cerium, Prasedodium and Neodymium in standard reference sample and real samples compare with the NAA. Finally the ralative standard deviations of approximately 1% S are found from the precision study using standard reference sample for Lanthaum, Cerium, Praseodium and Neodymium
페이지 79 p.
키워드 광물, 소재, 분석, 분석법, 백금족, 금속원소, 유도결합플라스마분광기, 플라즈마, 형광분석기, 중성자방사화분석, 미량성분, 경희토류, 희토류
원문 다운로드
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김건한. (2000). 광물 소재 분석법 연구 ; 경희토류 개별분석법 개발. 한국자원연구소.