이온빔에 의한 이차전자 발생에 관한 연구
자료유형 | KIGAM 보고서 |
서명 | 이온빔에 의한 이차전자 발생에 관한 연구 |
저자 | 김기동 |
언어 | KOR |
청구기호 | KR-98-[B]-39-1998-R |
발행사항 | 과학기술부, 1999 |
초록 | To investigate the emission mechanism of the secondary electron, emission yield and energy of secondary electron from Au target is measured by using 0.5-3MeV, p, d, He, O, Cl ions obtained from KIGAM 1.7MV tandem van de Graaff accelerator. The experimental result is compared with the stopping power and the calculation by Sternglass model. In this calculation, we assume that the secondary that the secondary electron emission by fast ions(>2x10 7cm/sec) occurs though three processes consisted of secondary electron production by interaction between the incident ions and the electrons of target, diffusion of the produced secondary electrons to the target surface and escape from the target surface. In this experiment, the chamber for obtaining the emission yield and energy of secondary electron and the voltage bias supplier are fabricated. We know that the emission yields and energy is proportional to the energy quantities transferring from projectile particles to target material, but that for heavy projectile particles the other mechanisms exsist. Also we know that the secondary electron yield by Cl is 25 times as much as that of proton, independent of the charge of incident particles, and dependent of the angle incident particles. In spite of these experiment, the more study is need to investigate exactly the emission mechanism of the secondary electron. |
페이지 | 29 p. |
키워드 | 이온빔, 이차전자, 전자 |
원문 | 다운로드 |
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