데이터셋 상세

지하매질 내에서의 유체 유동 특성연구


자료유형 KIGAM 보고서
서명 지하매질 내에서의 유체 유동 특성연구
저자 김세준
언어 KOR
청구기호 KR-98-[B]-32-1998-R
발행사항 과학기술부, 1999
초록 The analysis of fluid flow characteristics have focused on the efficient and robust way of handling the heterogeneity of media, its spatial variability and the nature of fractured systems. The final objectives of this study is to develop a tool for the characterization of the media and for the analysis of fluid behaviors in naturally heterogeneous or fractured systems in field scale. To get a basic quantitative clue and insight of the characteristics of heterogeneous media, this study aims to make geostatistical and stochastic realization of the media, which could be applicable to the development of advanced inverse techniques and complicated analytical tools. This study describes techniques to generate multiple reservoir models and geostatistical parameters quantifying spatial variability. A stochastic technique is used to model reservoir heterogeneity. Permeability often varies spatially by three or more factors of 10 in a typical formation. The variation of permeability seriously influences reservoir behavior. Geostatistics provides a means for studying the inherent heterogeneity and variability in space and for evaluating the uncertainty of any method of estimation. One of the characteristics of geological data sets is spatial continuity. The spatial correlation length for each direction quantifies the level of spatial dependence observed in a stochastic field.
페이지 98 p.
키워드 지하매질, 유체, 유동, 유체유동, 저류층
원문 다운로드


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김세준. (1999). 지하매질 내에서의 유체 유동 특성연구. 과학기술부.