데이터셋 상세

시추정보 시스템 개발연구


자료유형 KIGAM 보고서
서명 시추정보 시스템 개발연구
저자 송원경
언어 KOR
청구기호 KR-98-[B]-31-1998-R
발행사항 과학기술부, 1999
초록 The software, titled GeoScope, has been developed to systematically store and reutilize the borehole log data produced during geotechnical investigation or resources development works. GeoScope 1.0 can proceed about 30 attributes of borehole data corresponding two third of data to be treated in most type of logging sheet. These attributes are divided for the convenience of description on the logging sheet into three groups: heading, body and footing. Borehole data have three dimensional structure of x, y, z as spacial data. However, a concept of 2.5 dimension has been adopted in GeoScope to avoid minimize the necessary resources of the storage, in which x and y represent the attributes and z a parameter. The attributes of borehole are managed in the independent tables so that unnecessary multi-registrations of data can be prevented and their integrity can be maintained. Windosws 95/98 or NT Workstation was selected as the basic operation system for GeoScope, which are the most largely available for the users. Visual Basic 5.0 of Microsoft was used as the development tool of the program and Microsoft Access as the engine of database. The performance of GeoScope has been tested through input and output operation of the real data obtained from a borehole and it was seen that every function is satisfied to be done, while some defects were exposed in respect of window design and help function. Visualization of log sheet as well as these elements should be improved in the future version.
페이지 61 p.
키워드 시추정보시스템, GEOSCOPE, 시추자료, 시추, 프로그램
원문 다운로드


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송원경. (1999). 시추정보 시스템 개발연구. 과학기술부.