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분지별 퇴적시스템 연구 (I) : 원생대 백령층군 및 태안층


자료유형 KIGAM 보고서
서명 분지별 퇴적시스템 연구 (I) : 원생대 백령층군 및 태안층
저자 임순복
언어 KOR
청구기호 KR-98-[B]-04-1998-R
발행사항 科學技術處, 1998
초록 우리나라 지질과학 연구와 효율적인 자원탐사를 위하여 주요 지질구성체인 퇴적층에 대한 근본적이고 체계적인 연구와 분지별, 퇴적체별로 퇴적시스템을 분석, 정리, 대비하고 이를 유기적으로 해석하여 한반도의 층서와 퇴적사를 재정립할 필요에 의해 표식층구성과 토적상이 연구되지 않았거나 시대가 미상인 지층군을 집중적으로 연구하여 지층군별, 분지(지역)별로 퇴적시스템의 기본특성을 규명하였다. 또한 주요 퇴적분지의 퇴적환경과 분지발달의 기본배경을 파악하고 여러 퇴적분지들을 연관시켜 한반도의 지질/지구조구의 특성을 종합해석하였다. 연구개발 지역은 백령도와 충남 태안-서산지역으로 이에 분포된 원생대 지층의 퇴적시스템을 연구하여 표식층구성, 퇴적상 및 기본 지질사항을 파악하고 퇴적환경 및 분지발달 특성을 규명하였으며 다른 지역의 유사지층군과 대비해서 지구조적 해석을 하였고, 한반도의 선캠브리아기 층서와 퇴적작용사 정립을 위한 자료를 구축하였다

The Precambrian metasedimentary rocks and strata, which comprise the basement complexes in the Korean peninsula have been studied mainly in terms of metamorphism and tectonism by many workers. In the strata, however, are still preserved plenty of sedimentary features including stratification and structures as well as petrologic characters. Current study aims to analyse sedimentary environments and depositional systems of the Proterozoic Paegryeong Group and Taean Formation, which are the deposits of shallow marine and submarine fan environments respectively. The Paegryeon strata, which have been correlated with part of the Middle-Late Proterozoic Sangwon System in the southern north Korea and newly named the Paegryeong Group, occupy most of the island except a small area along the northeast coast where Neogene basalt is distributed. The strata are deformed by folding with ENE trending axis and two sets of faults running in roughly ENE and NNW directions respectively. Low grade metamorphism has occurred widely, pelitic rocks being transformed to slate and phyllite, and sandstones to quartzite. The Paegryeong Group consists of three conformable formations, namely the Joonghwa-dong, Jangchon and Doomujin formations in ascending order. The Jooghwa-dong Formation about 370m thick is made up of background mudstone and thin siltstone/fine snadstone layers which upwards increase in frequency and form parallel laminae. These deposits of deep shelf environment below storm-base grade upward into the Jangchon Formation. characteristically, the Jangchon Formation attaining a thickness of 680m is composed of tabular fine sandstone beds of hummocky cross stratification (HCS), which are interbedded in black background mudstone. As HCS sandstones occur rarely and cross-stratified single-set sandstones are increased in number upward, mudstone sharply decreases in number and thickness. The constituent sedimentary facies and sequence of the Jangchon Formation represent a depositional environment between storm-base and low tide line, where intermittent storms dominated over waves and gravitation in sedimentation....
페이지 116 p.
키워드 분지, 퇴적, 퇴적시스템, 원생대, 백령층군, 태안층, 백령도, 태안, 서산
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임순복. (1998). 분지별 퇴적시스템 연구 (I) : 원생대 백령층군 및 태안층. 科學技術處.