데이터셋 상세

국내외 광업관리 및 운용체제 비교연구


자료유형 KIGAM 보고서
서명 국내외 광업관리 및 운용체제 비교연구
저자 김민규
언어 KOR
청구기호 KR-98-C-53-1998-R
발행사항 韓國資源硏究所, 1998
초록 Every countries are different each other in coal, petroleum and mineral resources. The mining development history in each countries are also not the same. Mining systems are affected by the social systems and behaviors. Mining laws and Mining administrative systems are restricted by the natural conditions and dependent on social and economical situation. The mining in Korea begun from the early age of Sam-Kook ancient dynasty and was modernized in the colony of Japan. After dependence from Japan new Korean government chose mining as the chief industry in Korea and promote coal production because coal is the unique fuel resources for the home-heating and electrical generation. The tax reduction, subsidy, various supporting measurements, and direct control on the price of coal and mineral in domestic market is the main stream of korean mining policy. In the early periods of korea industry, mining industry was most important and contributed very much for national gross product(GNP). But 1980's korea was rapidly industrialized and enjoy economical increase. New apartment complex for housing and modernized residential houses requires cleaner energy than coal because korean coal (anthracite) is inconvenient and dirty in handling and generates toxic gas in combustion as home fuel. For the conservation of clean atmosphere Korea government chose clean energy driving policy and supplied LNG and LPG for home fuels and power generation. This situation made a much reduction of coal demand. Salary of korean labors increased very rapidly and miners were not an exception. Mining faces become deeper and deeper by the mining operation and mine working conditions are harder and hard with mining cost increase. The Mining Industry in Korea is confronted with critical situation both in coal, metal and non-metal mines. And an equality between demand and supply of raw materials for korean industry become and important target to be accomplished. Investment for overseas mining was increased as much as 16 billion US dollars until 1977
페이지 viii. 220 p.
키워드 광업, 광업사, 광업정책, 광산보안, 석탄, 광업제도, 광업현황
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김민규. (1998). 국내외 광업관리 및 운용체제 비교연구. 韓國資源硏究所.