데이터셋 상세

광물의 운반시스템 모델개발연구 : 流送管 移送시스템


자료유형 KIGAM 보고서
서명 광물의 운반시스템 모델개발연구 : 流送管 移送시스템
저자 윤치호
언어 KOR
청구기호 KR-98-C-40-1998-R
발행사항 韓國資源硏究所, 1998
초록 A piping system for the transportation of solid-water slurry may be the most suitable transportation system for the fine solid materials such as sand, coal, tailing, etc. In mineral and coal mines, solid-liquid mixture fluid may be composed of solid particles and water flow within a horizontal pipe of the piping transport system, and it is especially noticeable that the system operation at the first stage may cause an unsteady state flow such as unstable system behavior. This unstable behavior has been maintained for some time until the mixture fluid of mineral particle and water discharge from the inlet to the outlet of pipe. Later, the unstable operating system can be transformed into the stable system under the steady state flow system. Therefore, it is very important to understand whether the system is operating is stable flow mechanism of the mixture by analyzing the flow behavior. The analysis has been conducted by numerical experiments for two phases solid-liquid flow model implementing a momentum equation on the basis of Navier-Stokes equation and a continuity equation, and consequently for the stability of the system behavior due to the mechanical additional pressure of the actual piping transport system. Also, various flow patterns which affect the hydrodynamic characteristics of the flow could be encountered in the lab scale experiments. Complex flow patterns have been quantitatively analyzed in the experiments. It is concluded that the results can be applied to the optimum design and operation of facilities
페이지 iii, 88 p.
키워드 광물운반시스템, 운반, 유송관, 유동, 유송
원문 다운로드
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윤치호. (1998). 광물의 운반시스템 모델개발연구 : 流送管 移送시스템. 韓國資源硏究所.