데이터셋 상세

황해중부 해저지질 및 지구조 연구 : 소흑산도 서부해역, 33°-34°N, 123°-125°E


자료유형 KIGAM 보고서
서명 황해중부 해저지질 및 지구조 연구 : 소흑산도 서부해역, 33°-34°N, 123°-125°E
저자 민건홍
언어 KOR
청구기호 KR-98-C-39-1998-R
발행사항 韓國資源硏究所, 1998
초록 There are few tectonic and geological studies on the central part of the Yellow Sea, compared with those on the eastern Yellow Sea by the Korea Institute of Geology, Mining and Materials (KIGAM) and those on the western Yellow sea by the Chinese researchers. Investigation of the central Yellow Sea Basin is important to synthesize tectonic history and sedimentary process and environments of the basin as an overall configuration. Four-year project for the study on the central Yellow Sea launched this year and the first-year study area (1998) is located on latitude 33°to 35°N and longitude 123°to 125°E. For understanding of tectonic evolution of the Heuksan Basin, multi-channel seismic data covering the area were analyzed and interpreted. A marine geological survey was conducted to reveal sedimentary processes and environments of the late Quaternary deposits. The deposits in the study area can be divided into 2 basin fill: 1) small and 2) extended. The small basins were initiated by the listric faults in the southern boundary and the resultant basin fills were divisible into 3 sequences. The lower sequence consists of coarse-grained breccia formed by developing small basins. The central sequence comprises fine-grained lacustrine sediments according to extension of the small basins. After extension of the small basins, the upper sequence was deposited in considerable deep-lacustrine environments transitional into subsequent shallow-lacustrine environments overall influenced by nonmarine rivers. And then the small basin experienced uplift caused by igneous intrusion and compression, and the basin fills had been eroded until the Miocene. The extended basin fill consists of marine sediments from the Pliocene to present. The basin-fill sediments become thicker south-westernly according to subsidence of the South Yellow Sea and Subei basins developed from the Sanghai city of the China. There are many small areas of relatively thin sediment where basement is high due to igneous intrusion. The late Quaternary sediments are divisible into four systems tract deposits: 1)lowstand systems tract (LST), 2)early transgressive systems tract (early TST), 3)late transgressive system tract (late TST) and 4)highstand systems tract (HST). The LST deposits are characterized by a few incised valley fills. The early TST deposits comprise semi-consolidated mud with bedded peat and yellowish to reddish color bands, suggesting subaerial exposure near shoreline. The late TST deposits are represented by transgressive sand sheets. The HST deposits consist of very thin (< 50 cm) water-rich bioturbated mud
페이지 117 p.
키워드 황해, 황해중부, 해저지질, 해저, 지질, 지구조, 소흑산도, 분지, 해황, 퇴적층
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민건홍. (1998). 황해중부 해저지질 및 지구조 연구 : 소흑산도 서부해역, 33°-34°N, 123°-125°E. 韓國資源硏究所.