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Highstand vs. lowstand turbidite system growth in the Makran active margin: Imprints of high-frequency external controls on sediment delivery mechanisms to deep water systems


자료유형 해외논문
저널명 Highstand vs. lowstand turbidite system growth in the Makran active margin: Imprints of high-frequency external controls on sediment delivery mechanisms to deep water systems
등록번호 J0127401015
저자 J. Bourget, S. Zaragosi, S. Ellouz-Zimmermann, E. Ducassou, M.A. Prins, T. Garlan, V. Lanfumey, J.-L. Schneider, P. Rouillard, J. Giraudeau
연도 2010
권/호 274/01
페이지 187 ~ 208
키워드 turbidite system; gravity flow; active margin; eustasy; climate; tectonics; earthquake recurrence; source-to-sink
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J. Bourget, S. Zaragosi, S. Ellouz-Zimmermann, E. Ducassou, M.A. Prins, T. Garlan, V. Lanfumey, J.-L. Schneider, P. Rouillard, J. Giraudeau. (2010). Highstand vs. lowstand turbidite system growth in the Makran active margin: Imprints of high-frequency external controls on sediment delivery mechanisms to deep water systems.