데이터셋 상세

Ice cover, landscape setting, and geological framework of Lake Vostok, East Antarctica


자료유형 해외논문
저널명 Ice cover, landscape setting, and geological framework of Lake Vostok, East Antarctica
등록번호 A0420503007
저자 Michael Studinger, Robin E. Bell, Garry D. Karner, Anahita A. Tikku, John W. Holt, David L. Morse, Thomas G. Richter, Scott D. Kempf, Matthew E. Peters, Donald D. Blankenship, Ronald E. Sweeney, Victoria L. Rystrom
연도 2003
권/호 205/03
페이지 195 ~ 210
키워드 Lake Vostok; East Antarctica; airborne geophysics; gravity; magnetics; tectonics
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Michael Studinger, Robin E. Bell, Garry D. Karner, Anahita A. Tikku, John W. Holt, David L. Morse, Thomas G. Richter, Scott D. Kempf, Matthew E. Peters, Donald D. Blankenship, Ronald E. Sweeney, Victoria L. Rystrom. (2003). Ice cover, landscape setting, and geological framework of Lake Vostok, East Antarctica.