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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
8091 Incorporation of nitrogen from crop residues into light-fraction organic matter in soils with contrasting management histories Gary D. Bending and Mary K. Turner Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/03/2009 원문링크
8092 Immobilization and mineralization of nitrogen in a saline and alkaline soil during microbial use of sugarcane filter cake amended with glucose Ghulam Rasul, Ahtsham A. Khan, Khalid S. Khan and Rainer Georg Joergensen Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/03/2009 원문링크
8093 Estimation of sulfur mineralization and relationships with nitrogen and carbon in soils H. Niknahad Gharmakher, J. M. Machet, N. Beaudoin and S. Recous Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/03/2009 원문링크
8094 Physicochemical, including spectroscopic, and biological analyses during composting of green tea waste and rice bran Mohammad Ashik Iqbal Khan, Kihachi Ueno, Sakae Horimoto, Fuminori Komai and Kinji Tanaka, et al. Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/03/2009 원문링크
8095 A new mycorrhizal helper bacterium, Ralstonia species, in the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis between Pinus thunbergii and Suillus granulatus Ryota Kataoka and Kazuyoshi Futai Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/03/2009 원문링크
8096 Chemical, physical, and biochemical soil properties and plant roots as affected by native and exotic plants in Neotropical arid zones Noemi Chacón, Ileana Herrera, Saúl Flores, José A. González and Jafet M. Nassar Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/03/2009 원문링크
8097 N2 fixation by faba bean ( Vicia faba L.) in a gypsum-amended sodic soil Andrew P. Smith, Deli Chen and Phillip M. Chalk Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/03/2009 원문링크
8098 Phylogenetic positions of Mn2+-oxidizing bacteria and fungi isolated from Mn nodules in rice field subsoils Vita Ratri Cahyani, Jun Murase, Eiji Ishibashi, Susumu Asakawa and Makoto Kimura Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/04/2009 원문링크
8099 Soil organic carbon stocks, distribution, and composition affected by historic land use changes on adjacent sites Carsten W. Mueller and Ingrid Koegel-Knabner Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/04/2009 원문링크
8100 The effect of earthworms and liming on soil microbial communities M. Pawlett, D. W. Hopkins, B. F. Moffett and J. A. Harris Biology and Fertility of Soils 045/04/2009 원문링크