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게시물에 대한 표이며 제목, 작성자, 작성일에 대한 내용을 제공
Immobilization and mineralization of nitrogen in a saline and alkaline soil during microbial use of sugarcane filter cake amended with glucose
등록번호 B0804503007 저널명 Immobilization and mineralization of nitrogen in a saline and alkaline soil during microbial use of sugarcane filter cake amended with glucose
045 03
Page 289~296 Year 2009
제목 Immobilization and mineralization of nitrogen in a saline and alkaline soil during microbial use of sugarcane filter cake amended with glucose 저자명 Ghulam Rasul, Ahtsham A. Khan, Khalid S. Khan and Rainer Georg Joergensen
키워드 Microbial biomass C - Microbial biomass N - Ergosterol - CO2 production - N re-mineralization URL http://doi.org/10.1007/s00374-008-0333-z