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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
7201 Polyacrylamide as an agglomeration additive for copper heap leaching K.A. Lewandowski, S. Komar Kawatra International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/03/2009 원문링크
7202 Characterization of kaolin flocs formed by polyacrylamide as flocculation aids Zhe Zhu, Tao Li, Jiajuan Lu, Dongsheng Wang, Chonghua Yao International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/03/2009 원문링크
7203 Characterisation of particle tribo-charging and electron transfer with reference to electrostatic dry coal cleaning R.K. Dwari, K. Hanumantha Rao, P. Somasundaran International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/03/2009 원문링크
7204 Modification of SAG mill liner shape based on 3-D liner wear profile measurements M. Yahyaei, S. Banisi, M. Hadizadeh International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/03/2009 원문링크
7205 Influence of chemical parameters on selectivity and recovery of fine coal through flotation Ashiwani Kumar Gupta, P.K. Banerjee, Arun Mishra International Journal of Mineral Processing 092/01/2009 원문링크
7206 Experimental study of coal liberation: Electrical disintegration versus roll-crusher comminution M. Ito, S. Owada, T. Nishimura, T. Ota International Journal of Mineral Processing 092/01/2009 원문링크
7207 Monitoring of froth stability using electrical impedance spectroscopy Shenggen Hu, Philip Ofori, Bruce Firth International Journal of Mineral Processing 092/01/2009 원문링크
7208 Mechanochemical effects on talc during fine grinding process in a jet mill Samayamutthirian Palaniandy, Khairun Azizi Mohd Azizli International Journal of Mineral Processing 092/01/2009 원문링크
7209 Model fine tuning for prediction of hydrocyclone performance—An industrial case study C.L.Q. Silva, W. Penna, A.C.B. Araújo, R.P. Brito, L.G.S. Vasconcelos, J.J.N. Alves International Journal of Mineral Processing 092/01/2009 원문링크
7210 Adsorption of heavy metals from acid mine drainage by natural zeolite T. Motsi, N.A. Rowson, M.J.H. Simmons International Journal of Mineral Processing 092/01/2009 원문링크