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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
7191 Quantifying contributions to froth stability in porphyry copper plants M. Zanin, E. Wightman, S.R. Grano, J.-P. Franzidis International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/01/2009 원문링크
7192 A study of polyacrylate and hydroxamate co-dosing flocculation of stabilised bauxite residue material Luke J. Kirwan International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/01/2009 원문링크
7193 Performance of a three-product hydrocyclone Mahmoud M. Ahmed, Galal A. Ibrahim, Mohamed G. Farghaly International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/01/2009 원문링크
7194 Prediction of separation performance of Floatex Density Separator for processing of fine coal particles Avimanyu Das, Biswajit Sarkar, Surya Pratap Mehrotra International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/01/2009 원문링크
7195 A method for measuring the degree of anionicity of polyacrylamide-based flocculants Esau Arinaitwe, Marek Pawlik International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/01/2009 원문링크
7196 Hardgrove grindability index prediction using support vector regression B. Venkoba Rao, S.J. Gopalakrishna International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/01/2009 원문링크
7197 Remediation of asbestos containing materials by Joule heating vitrification performed in a pre-pilot apparatus Francesco Dellisanti, Piermaria L. Rossi, Giovanni Valdrè International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/03/2009 원문링크
7198 Impact of frother on the terminal velocity of small bubbles A. Navarra, C. Acuña, J.A. Finch International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/03/2009 원문링크
7199 Effect of sodium chloride on the selective removal of iron from chromite by carbochlorination Shao-Bo Shen, Mario Bergeron, Marc Richer-Laflèche International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/03/2009 원문링크
7200 The effects of feed size distribution on confined-bed comminution of quartz and calcite in piston-die press C. Hosten, H. Cimilli International Journal of Mineral Processing 091/03/2009 원문링크