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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
8001 Hematite and iron carbonate precipitation-coexistence at the iron–montmorillonite–salt solution–CO2 interfaces under high gas pressure at 150 °C G. Montes-Hernandez, J. Pironon Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8002 Preparation of potassium acetate intercalated metakaolinite Tao Xu, Wei Han, Jing-Zhong Chen, Zhen Li, Tao Zou Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8003 Hydrodechlorination of 4-chlorophenol in aqueous phase with Pt–Al pillared clays using formic acid as hydrogen source C.B. Molina, L. Calvo, M.A. Gilarranz, J.A. Casas, J.J. Rodriguez Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8004 Modification of vermiculite by polymerization and carbonization of glycerol to produce highly efficient materials for oil removal Miguel de Araújo Medeiros, Maria T.C. Sansiviero, Maria Helena Araújo, Rochel Montero Lago Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8005 Pakistani bentonite in mortars and concrete as low cost construction material J. Mirza, M. Riaz, A. Naseer, F. Rehman, A.N. Khan, Q. Ali Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8006 Analysis of tetramethylammonium–montmorillonite and retention of toluene from aqueous solution N.C. Vidal, C. Volzone Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8007 Experimental study on ethanol/bentonite slurry injection into synthetic rock fractures: Application to seepage control Larry Pax Chegbeleh, Makoto Nishigaki, John Apambilla Akudago, Tatuo Katayama Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8008 Influence of ethanol addition on the modification of montmorillonite by hexadecyl trimethylammonium bromide Xiyan Feng, Guangjun Hu, Xiangfu Meng, Yanfen Ding, Shimin Zhang, Mingshu Yang Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8009 Moulding properties of a Nigerian silica–clay mixture for foundry use O.A. Olasupo, J.A. Omotoyinbo Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크
8010 Montmorillonite intercalated with vitamin B1 as drug carrier Ghanshyam V. Joshi, Hasmukh A. Patel, Bhavesh D. Kevadiya, Hari C. Bajaj Applied Clay Science 045/04/2009 원문링크