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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
7891 Mineralogical reactions in the Tournemire argillite after in-situ interaction with steels A. Gaudin, S. Gaboreau, E. Tinseau, D. Bartier, S. Petit, O. Grauby, F. Foct, D. Beaufort Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7892 Fe(III)-montmorillonite: Basic properties and diffusion of tracers relevant to alteration of bentonite in deep geological disposal Jayappa Manjanna, Tamotsu Kozaki, Seichi Sato Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7893 Role of water in the synthesis of calcined kaolin-based geopolymer Z. Zuhua, Y. Xiao, Z. Huajun, C. Yue Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7894 Selectivity of Na–montmorillonite in relation with the concentration of bivalent cation (Cu2+, Ca2+, Ni2+) by quantitative analysis of XRD patterns W. Oueslati, H. Ben Rhaiem, B. Lanson, A. Ben Haj Amara Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7895 Hydrothermal synthesis of hydrogarnet and tobermorite at 175 °C from kaolinite and metakaolinite in the CaO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O system: A comparative study Carlos A. Ríos, Craig D. Williams, Michael A. Fullen Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7896 Formation of MnS- and NiS-montmorillonites by solid-solid reactions Nithima Khaorapapong, Areeporn Ontam, Jinda Khemprasit, Makoto Ogawa Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7897 Thermally treated soil clays as ceramic raw materials: Characterization by X-ray diffraction, photoacoustic spectroscopy and electron spin resonance L. Mota, R. Toledo, R.T. Faria Jr., E.C. da Silva, H. Vargas, I. Delgadillo-Holtfort Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7898 Membrane effects in clay-lined inward gradient landfills T.M. Whitworth, Akbar Ghazifard Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7899 Generation and sedimentation of colloidal bentonite particles in water Kotaro Bessho, Claude Degueldre Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크
7900 Swelling properties of copolymer hydrogels in the presence of montmorillonite and alkylammonium montmorillonite László Janovák, János Varga, Lajos Kemény, Imre Dékány Applied Clay Science 043/02/2009 원문링크