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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
7801 Changes in Alkaline Hydrolyzable Nitrogen Distribution with Soil Depth: Fertilizer Correlation and Calibration Implications T. L. Roberts, R. J. Norman, N. A. Slaton, and C. E. Wilson, Jr. Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/06/2009 원문링크
7802 Short-Term Nitrogen Fertilizing Value of Liquid Dairy Manures is Mainly Due to Ammonium Luca Bechini and Pietro Marino Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/06/2009 원문링크
7803 Phosphorus Sorption as Affected by Soil Properties and Termite Activity in Eastern and Southern Africa Martha Mamo and Charles Wortmann Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/06/2009 원문링크
7804 Assessment of Potassium Supply for Corn by Analysis of Plant Parts Antonio P. Mallarino and S.L. Higashi Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/06/2009 원문링크
7805 Nitrogen Fertilizer Sources and Timing before Flooding Dry-Seeded, Delayed-Flood Rice R. J. Norman, C. E. Wilson, Jr., N. A. Slaton, B. R. Griggs, J. T. Bushong, and E. E. Gbur Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/06/2009 원문링크
7806 Improving Rietveld-Based Clay Mineralogic Quantification of Oxisols Using Siroquant M. E. Alves and O. Omotoso Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/06/2009 원문링크
7807 Making Soil Oxidation–Reduction Potential Measurements using Multimeters M. C. Rabenhorst Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/06/2009 원문링크
7808 Some effects of microbial activity on the evolution of clay-based buffer properties in underground repositories Catherine N. Mulligan, Raymond N. Yong, Masaharu Fukue Applied Clay Science 042/03/2009 원문링크
7809 Colza oil bleaching through optimized acid activation of bentonite. A comparative study M.A. Didi, B. Makhoukhi, A. Azzouz, D. Villemin Applied Clay Science 042/03/2009 원문링크
7810 Mineralogical transformations of calcareous rich clays with firing: A comparative study between calcite and dolomite rich clays from Algarve, Portugal M.J. Trindade, M.I. Dias, J. Coroado, F. Rocha Applied Clay Science 042/03/2009 원문링크