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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
7591 Interactive Effects of Tillage and Mineral Fertilization on Soil Carbon Profiles Vincent Poirier, Denis A. Angers, Philippe Rochette, Martin H. Chantigny, Noura Ziadi, Gilles Tremblay, and Josée Fortin Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7592 Changes in Soil Organic Matter Pools and Carbon Mineralization as Influenced by Fire Severity J. A. Hatten and D. Zabowski Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7593 Continuing Acidification of Organic Soils across the Northeastern USA: 1984–2001 Richard A. F. Warby, Chris E. Johnson, and Charles T. Driscoll Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7594 Initial Response of Soil Nutrient Pools to Prescribed Burning and Thinning in a Managed Forest Ecosystem of Northern Alabama Maria M. Nobles, Wallace Dillon, Jr., and Monday Mbila Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7595 Suitability of the Diffusion Method for Natural Abundance Nitrogen-15 Analysis Kirsten Stephan and Kathleen L. Kavanagh Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7596 Illinois Soil Nitrogen Test with Organic Matter Correction for Predicting Nitrogen Responsiveness of Corn in Rotation J. R. Lawrence, Q. M. Ketterings, M. G. Goler, J. H. Cherney, W. J. Cox, and K. J. Czymmek Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7597 Correction of Bulk Density and Sampling Method Biases Using Soil Mass per Unit Area Stewart B. Wuest Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7598 Variations in Corn Yield and Nitrogen Uptake in Relation to Soil Attributes and Nitrogen Availability Indices Judith Nyiraneza, Adrien N'Dayegamiye, Martin H. Chantigny, and Marc R. Laverdière Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7599 Estimating Yield and Yield Response using Computer Simulation of Plant Available Nitrogen from Soil Organic Matter and Manure John T. Gilmour Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크
7600 Rapid Clay Weathering in the Rhizosphere of Norway Spruce and Oak in an Acid Forest Ecosystem Christophe Calvaruso, Louis Mareschal, Marie-Pierre Turpault, and Elisabeth Leclerc Soil Science Society of America Journal 073/01/2009 원문링크