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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
7501 Growth and characterization of K1-x(NH4)xH2PO4 mixed crystals onto z-cut point seeds Zhong De-Gao, Teng Bing, Wang Shu-Hua, Jiang Xue-Jun, Li Ming, He Lin-Xiang and Huang Wan-Xia Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7502 Magneto-transport properties of polycrystalline YBa2(Cu1-xMx)3O7-d (M = B and Mn) B. A. Albiss, I. M. Obaidat, M. Gharaibeh, W. Hatamleh, S. A. Barhoum and M. K. Hasan Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7503 Precipitation of nesquehonite from homogeneous supersaturated solutions Wenting Cheng and Zhibao Li Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7504 Nano-sized silver crystals and their dispersion over a-alumina for ethylene epoxidation S. Sadegh Hassani, M. R. Ghasemi, M. Rashidzadeh and Z. Sobat Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7505 Induction time of silver nanoparticles precipitation: Experiment and modeling N. Hatami and S. Ghader Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7506 Sintering behavior of ZnO:Al ceramics fabricated by sol-gel derived nanocrystalline powders Z. B. Bahsi, M. H. Aslan, M. Ozer and A. Y. Oral Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7507 Tribological properties of WSe2 nanorods as additives J. H. Yang, H. X. Yao, Y. Q. Liu, M. B. Wei, Y. Liu, Y. J. Zhang and Y. X. Wang Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7508 Structure and magnetism of manganese-doped ZnO powder samples S. A. Ahmed Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7509 Low temperature powder diffraction and DFT solid state computational study of hydrogen bonding in NH4VO3 L. Smrcok, B. Bitschnau and Y. Filinchuk Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크
7510 Powder second harmonic generation measurement and thermal decomposition mechanisms of a new organometallic compound [(18C6)Li][Cd(SCN)3] J. J. Zhang and Y. Huang Crystal Research and Technology 044/09/2009 원문링크