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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
6701 Climatic variability during the last 90 ka of the southern and northern Levantine Basin as evident from marine records and speleothems Ahuva Almogi-Labin, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Dan Shriki, Elina Kolosovsky, Martine Paterne, Bettina Schilman, Avner Ayalon, Zeev Aizenshtat, Alan Matthews Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6702 Homo floresiensis and the late Pleistocene environments of eastern Indonesia: defining the nature of the relationship K.E. Westaway, M.J. Morwood, T. Sutikna, M.W. Moore, A.D. Rokus, G.D. van den Bergh, R.G. Roberts, E.W. Saptomo Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6703 Quantitative biome reconstruction using modern and late Quaternary pollen data from the southern part of the Russian Far East Lyudmila Mokhova, Pavel Tarasov, Valentina Bazarova, Mikhail Klimin Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6704 Late Pleistocene dust deposition in the Patagonian steppe - extending and refining the paleoenvironmental and tephrochronological record from Laguna Potrok Aike back to 55 ka Torsten Haberzettl, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Sabine W. Bowen, Michael Fey, Christoph Mayr, Bernd Zolitschka, Daniel Ariztegui, Barbara Mauz, Christian Ohlendorf, Stephanie Kastner, Andreas Lücke, Frank Schäbitz, Michael Wille Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6705 Reconstructing the palaeoenvironments of the early Pleistocene mammal faunas from the pollen preserved on fossil bones Cesare Ravazzi, Roberta Pini, Marzia Breda Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6706 Rapid and cyclic aeolian deposition during the Last Glacial in European loess: a high-resolution record from Nussloch, Germany Pierre Antoine, Denis-Didier Rousseau, Olivier Moine, Stéphane Kunesch, Christine Hatté, Andreas Lang, Hélène Tissoux, Ludwig Zöller Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6707 A 1.2 Ma record of glaciation and fluvial discharge from the West European Atlantic margin S. Toucanne, S. Zaragosi, J.F. Bourillet, P.L. Gibbard, F. Eynaud, J. Giraudeau, J.L. Turon, M. Cremer, E. Cortijo, P. Martinez, L. Rossignol Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6708 Atmospheric 14C variations derived from tree rings during the early Younger Dryas Quan Hua, Mike Barbetti, David Fink, Klaus Felix Kaiser, Michael Friedrich, Bernd Kromer, Vladimir A. Levchenko, Ugo Zoppi, Andrew M. Smith, Fiona Bertuch Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6709 Geochronology of Quaternary glaciations from the tropical Cordillera Huayhuash, Peru Sarah R. Hall, Daniel L. Farber, Joan M. Ramage, Donald T. Rodbell, Robert C. Finkel, Jacqueline A. Smith, Bryan G. Mark, Christopher Kassel Quaternary Science Reviews 028/25/2009 원문링크
6710 Effect of per-capita land use changes on Holocene forest clearance and CO2 emissions William F. Ruddiman, Erle C. Ellis Quaternary Science Reviews 028/27/2009 원문링크