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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
6391 Modeling Mercury's internal magnetic field with smooth inversions Hideharu Uno, Catherine L. Johnson, Brian J. Anderson, Haje Korth, Sean C. Solomon Earth and Planetary Science Letters 285/03/2009 원문링크
6392 Mercury's internal magnetic field: Constraints on large- and small-scale fields of crustal origin Michael E. Purucker, Terence J. Sabaka, Sean C. Solomon, Brian J. Anderson, Haje Korth, Maria T. Zuber, Gregory A. Neumann Earth and Planetary Science Letters 285/03/2009 원문링크
6393 The emissivity of a fine-grained labradorite sample at typical Mercury dayside temperatures Jorn Helbert, Alessandro Maturilli Earth and Planetary Science Letters 285/03/2009 원문링크
6394 Shallow basins on Mercury: Evidence of relaxation? P. Surdas Mohit, Catherine L. Johnson, Olivier Barnouin-Jha, Maria T. Zuber, Sean C. Solomon Earth and Planetary Science Letters 285/03/2009 원문링크
6395 An appraisal of the ages of terrestrial impact structures F. Jourdan, P.R. Renne, W.U. Reimold Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286/01/2009 원문링크
6396 Physical constraints on the migration of immiscible fluids through partially molten silicates, with special reference to magmatic sulfide ores Hye-Yoon Chung, James E. Mungall Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286/01/2009 원문링크
6397 Primitive neon from the center of the Galapagos hotspot Mark D. Kurz, Joshua Curtice, Dan Fornari, Dennis Geist, Manuel Moreira Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286/01/2009 원문링크
6398 A tungsten isotope approach to search for meteoritic components in terrestrial impact rocks Frederic Moynier, Christian Koeberl, Ghylaine Quitte, Philippe Telouk Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286/01/2009 원문링크
6399 Rhenium-osmium isotopes and platinum-group elements in the Rum Layered Suite, Scotland: Implications for Cr-spinel seam formation and the composition of the Iceland mantle anomaly Brian O'Driscoll, James M.D. Day, J. Stephen Daly, Richard J. Walker, William F. McDonough Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286/01/2009 원문링크
6400 Provenance of Quaternary glacial and glacimarine sediments along the southeast Greenland margin Emily P. Verplanck, G. Lang Farmer, John Andrews, Gita Dunhill, Christian Millo Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286/01/2009 원문링크