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총 123,945건

번호 제목 저자 저널명 Vol/Issue/year Link
6301 Long term changes of chemical weathering products in rivers heavily impacted from acid mine drainage: Insights on the impact of coal mining on regional and global carbon and sulfur budgets Peter A. Raymond, Neung-Hwan Oh Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6302 Dehydration kinetics of talc and 10 A phase: Consequences for subduction zone seismicity Melanie Chollet, Isabelle Daniel, Kenneth T. Koga, Sylvain Petitgirard, Guillaume Morard Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6303 Global seismological shear velocity and attenuation: A comparison with experimental observations Colleen A. Dalton, Goran Ekstrom, Adam M. Dziewonski Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6304 Subsidence in magma chamber and the development of magmatic foliation in Oman ophiolite gabbros Adolphe Nicolas, Francoise Boudier, Lyderic France Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6305 Theoretical investigation of the anomalous equilibrium fractionation of multiple sulfur isotopes during adsorption Etienne Balan, Pierre Cartigny, Marc Blanchard, Delphine Cabaret, Michele Lazzeri, Francesco Mauri Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6306 Faulting and hydration of the Juan de Fuca plate system Mladen R. Nedimovic, DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl, Suzanne M. Carbotte, J. Pablo Canales, Robert P. Dziak Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6307 Si and O diffusion in (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 wadsleyite and ringwoodite and its implications for the rheology of the mantle transition zone Akira Shimojuku, Tomoaki Kubo, Eiji Ohtani, Tomoki Nakamura, Ryuji Okazaki, Ralf Dohmen, Sumit Chakraborty Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6308 Circum-Antarctic age modelling of Quaternary marine cores under the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: Ice-core dust-magnetic correlation R.S. Pugh, I.N. McCave, C.-D. Hillenbrand, G. Kuhn Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6309 Self-reversal and apparent magnetic excursions in Arctic sediments J.E.T. Channell, C. Xuan Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크
6310 Evidence for rapid geomagnetic field intensity variations in Western Europe over the past 800 years from new French archeointensity data Agnes Genevey, Yves Gallet, Jean Rosen, Maxime Le Goff Earth and Planetary Science Letters 284/01/2009 원문링크